Same day appointment with a doctor

Same day doctor

Comprehensive medical assessments onsite

Prescritption service

Medication prescription delivered to your door

Blood tests

Full blood workup including managent plan

Medical reports

Extensive medical reports and sick notes

Mental assessment

Holistic approach to your health

About Us

Walk-in clinic for expats

At expat health clinic, you and your family are our main concern. We use digital technology to facilitate access to our services. We think it is what works best until you are fully settled. 

We are a hybrid concierge practice who believe in the old-fashioned way of medicine. Long lasting relationship with our patients and their loved ones. We take time because we can and want to so that you get the best outcome. 

Consultations are scheduled for 30 minutes. More time for you and a personalised treatment plan.

Call Us

Not sure what you need? Give us a call

Email Us

walk-in service every tuesday
11:00 AM - 17:30 PM

Why You Should Use Our Medical Services

Years of experience

With over 25 years experience we know what optimal care looks and feels like

Longer consultations

Each consult is scheduled for 30 minutes leaving you enough time to discuss all your concerns

Streamlined care

We believe in effiency in healthcare, that is why we combine both physical and online appointments

Access to experts

You'll have direct access to other experts who can provide their opinion without a waiting list

Diagnostics within a day

Know your blood or x-ray results within 24 hours with a treatment plan that works for you

Follow-up appointmet

Don't miss our email or phone call. We are proactive in checking up on you with our follow-up program

Meet our team

Dr S. Fonderson

Medical doctor

Mrs H. Lindhout

Practice Manager

Mr. H. Gongai


Mrs S. Idrisi

Medical Assistant

Miss R. Albert

Medical secretary

Jessica Jordan

Communications officer

We've made it easy for you to get care. See our parterns in health

Some facts before you get started

We offer a fast and efficient service for expats who are in transit or don’t yet have a general practitioner in the region of Rotterdam & The Hague. Referral appointments with specialist, physiotherapists and other diagnostic services are fast-tracked and possible due to our network of specialists.

Yes, if you need our services for just that one-off consultation that is also possible. Our goal is to get your medical concerns seen to with few hassle.

The walk-in clinic is operated under the direction of a registered general practitioner Dr Sabine Fonderson. All doctors and allied health professionals associated with the clinic are registered under their respective medical council.

We treat over 100 medical conditons at our walk-in clinic. From booking a consultation for minor illness like flu, throat pain to weight loss and long-standing back pain. We treat a wide range of medical conditions for young and mature patients.

Absolutely, we work together with local pharmacies and our preferred online pharmacy. This means that for urgent treatment you can go straight to a pharmacy near you and collect your medication. For non-urgent or repeat prescriptions we partner with a pharmacy that delivers medication straight to your door. 

  • Vitamin deficiency
  • Urinary symptoms
  • Skin conditions including eczema, rosacea and psoriasis
  • Prostate hyperplasia and lower urinary tract symptoms in men
  • Pain (acute and chronic)
  • Nausea
  • Muscle and or joint pain
  • Migraines or headaches
  • Mental health conditions including anxiety, depression and ADHD
  • Thyroid disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Hair loss
  • Obesity
  • Gout
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Fungal infections
  • Allergies
  • Skin infections
  • Cough and sore throat
  • Eye infections
  • Ear infections

If you are not able to reach us by phone, please send us an email – we respond within 1 hour. Our email address is

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