
Key recommendations on expat teen health

As expat parents, the main priority will be to ensure your children are safe, happy and adjusting to their new environment. In some cases, you will receive information and guidance on schools, sport clubs and healthcare facilities for you and your family.

At Expat Health Clinic we dedicate a significant portion of our prevention packages on ensuring teenagers or adolescents get optimal physical and mental health support.

It is common that expat teenagers can have some challenges when getting used to a new school, culture next to physical changes that their bodies are going through in this phase of their lives.

Our focus on teenager health is to reinforce positive health behaviours such as exercise and good nutrition. When we speak to our adolescent clients, we want to do it first with their parents or guardians. Then we schedule another appointment with the adolescent alone so they know that they can confide in us for all their issues. Building trust with them is vital at thi stage and provided they are above the age of 12 years old, all information stays confidential between healthcare provider and adolescent.

Our doctors make use of the recommendations and guidelines provided by Brightfutures. We want to see your child(ren) outside episodes when they are ill or sick. That added attention to their development is vital for their future and health.

Below is a list of prevention services we provide to your adolescent. In brackets is our recommended frequency of services (annual (A) or tailored (T)).

  • Immunization status check (T)
  • Injury prevention (T)
  • Nutrition (A)
  • Physical activity encouragement (A)
  • Dental health (A)
  • Male and female sexual organ self-examination (T)
  • Skin care and protection (A)
  • Obesity counseling (A)
  • Contraception choices (T)
  • Tobacco use (A)
  • Alcohol use (A)
  • Substance use (A)
  • Depression/Anxiety/Suicical thoughts (A)
  • Physical and/or Mental abuse (A)
  • Vision and hearing check (T)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (A)

It is our goal to give expat parents and their adolescent child(ren) the best start in a new country. You do not have to do it alone, it takes a community of friends, neighbours, health providers and us to give them the care and attention they need.